Hispanic Female Patient undergoes a Liposuction Procedure
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Front After |
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Rear After |
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Side After |
Dr. Scott J. Zevon
Patient # 683 Age: 30 Height: 5'0" Weight: 147 Sex: F
Race: Hispanic
Post-op:4 1/2 Months
Procedure: Liposuction Areas: hips, inner thighs & abdomen Type: UAL of abdomen; SAL hips, thighs & abdomen Volume aspirated: 5500 cc. 1Month Post-op.This 30 year old, 5' 0", 147 pound Hispanic female patient presented with localized fat deposits of the hips, inner (medial) thighs and abdomen. Before surgery, her upper hips were wider than her lower buttocks, and her abdomen protruded. She had an apple-shaped body, with fat deposits concentrated around the midsection. Suction-assisted liposuction of the hips, thighs and abdomen was performed; ultrasound assisted liposuction of the abdomen was also performed. A total of 5500 cc of aspirate was obtained; 325 from each inner thigh, 850 from each hip, and 3150 from the abdomen. After surgery, she had greatly improved contour with a flat abdomen, defined waistline and upper hips narrower than lower hips for more shapely buttocks.