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Bunny's Liposuction Tale

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Pre-Op: Front - Thighs, Hips

Post-Op: Front - Thighs, Hips

Pre-Op: Back - Buttocks
Pre-Op: Back - Buttocks

Post-Op: Back - Thighs, Hips, Buttocks

Pre-Op: Side - Buttocks, Hips

Post-Op: Side - Buttocks, Hips

Pre-Op: Side - Buttocks, Hips

Post-Op: Side - Buttocks, Hips

For those of you who are statistics junkies: Bunny is 5' 4" tall. She weighs 120 lbs. and her measurements are: Bra band 34, waist 26, hips 36. Thigh measurement at saddle bag area is 21-22 inches. Her body fat is between 11% and 13%, so she looks thinner than her weight alone would lead you to believe.

Bunny wanted a more fit appearance and knew liposuction would remove fat in her trouble areas. Using tumescent fluid, her plastic surgeon performed UAL (ultrasonic assisted liposuction) and treated her hips, buttocks and thighs. You can see the noticeable difference in her hips and thighs due to the successful liposuction. The surgeon used an UAL cannula and it changed electrical energy into sound waves. The fat is reduced via vibration, which causes friction and that causes heat. The heat melts the fat so it can easily be removed with traditional liposuction cannulas. 

The result was a nicely contoured leg shape and balance between the rest of the body and her hips/thighs. 

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About This Patient

  • Height: 5' 4''
  • Weight: 120

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