
Cricket's LipoList - Prepare for Liposuction

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How to Make Your Liposuction Easier

Editor's Note: While this may have worked for Cricket, your experience could be different for many reasons. Please consult with your plastic surgeon and follow his/her directions. Do not deviate from your plastic surgeons directions without consulting him or her in advance!

Start 3-4 days prior
Start 1 week prior: limit intake of salt (and AT LEAST 2 weeks after)
Start two weeks prior
Ideas & suggestions
If you will wear your garment when you use the toilet: If you have a garment that hooks or velcros at the crotch: Other supplies Supplies for leaking If you have a recliner in your home, you'll definitely want to make use of it. If you don't have a recliner, try to borrow or rent one for at least a week after you have lipo.

Important: Always make sure you consult with your surgeon and/or anesthesiologist to inform them of any supplements that you are taking.

Special Thanks to Cricket, for sharing her LipoList with us!
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