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Checking medical license status - Links for states / territories

There are several ways to check the status of a doctor's medical license.  Every state or territory allows you to send for a status report using regular postal mail.  Many states also provide license and disciplinary information over the phone.  Some states have toll-free numbers, while others make you pay for the call.  A comprehensive list of the mailing addresses and phone numbers for all boards follows.

The depth of information varies by state. Some states provide only license verification, while others provide information on malpractice judgements and investigations.

Agency Contact Info & State Board Sites:


Australian Capital Territory
Medical Board of the Australian Capital Territory
6th Floor
FAI House
197 London Circuit
Civic ACT 2608

PO Box 976
Civic Square ACT 2608

Registrar: Mr R Bradford
Phone: (02) 6205 1600
Fax: (02) 6205 1602
New South Wales
New South Wales Medical Board
Off Punt Road (grounds Of Gladesville Hospital)
Take Second Hospital Entrance
GLADESVILLE    NSW    2111   

PO Box 104
Gladesville NSW 2111

Registrar: Mr A E Dix
Phone: (02) 9879 6799
Fax: (02) 9816 5307
Web site:
Northern Territory
Medical Board of the Northern Territory
2nd Floor
Harbour View Plaza
Corner Bennett & McMinn Street
DARWIN    NT    0800   

PO Box 4221
Darwin NT 0801

Registrar: Ms S Williams
Phone: (08) 8999 4157
Fax: (08) 8999 4196
Web site:
The Medical Board of Queensland
19th Floor, 160 Mary Street
Forestry House
BRISBANE    QLD    4000   

GPO Box 2438
Brisbane QLD 4001

Registrar: Mr J O'Dempsey
Phone: (07) 3225 2515
Fax: (07) 3225 2527
Web site:
South Australia
Medical Board of South Australia
91 Payneham Road
ST PETERS    SA    5069   

PO Box 359
Stepney SA 5069

Registrar: Mr D H Wilde
Phone: (08) 8362 7811
Fax: (08) 8362 7906
Web site:
The Medical Council of Tasmania
AMA House
2 Gore Street
South Hobart TAS 7004

PO Box 8
SOUTH HOBART    TAS    7004   

Registrar: Ms A McLean-Aherne
Phone: (03) 6233 5499
Fax: (03) 6233 7986
Web site:
Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria
Level 16
150 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

GPO Box 773H
Melbourne VIC 3001

Chief Executive Officer: Mr I Stoney
Phone: (03) 9655 0500
Fax: (03) 9655 0580
Web site:
Western Australia
Medical Board of Western Australia
London House
216 St Georges Tce
Perth 6805

PO Box 1040
West Perth WA 6872

Registrar: Mr S Hood
Phone: (08) 9481 1011
Fax: (08) 9321 1744
Web site:

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