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Checking Your Doctor's Credentials in Canada

Canadian liposuction and tummy tuck surgery.

This section of the Resources section is devoted exclusively to those who need to choose a skilled and qualified plastic surgeon in Canada, but who don't know where to look for information.  We're in the process of collecting the best available resources for you.  Please be sure to let us know of any we missed!

As a sidenote, be sure to read the "Checking Your Credentials" section, which contains non-geographical information about factors which should influence your choice of plastic surgeon, sections explaining board certification, general information about licensing and a listing of the places on the Internet where you can complete your research, many of which are applicable to Canada as well.

Board Certification/Specialty Training

Plastic surgeons should be board certified specifically in Plastic Surgery.  Plastic Surgeons in Canada who have undergone the training necessary to be "board certified" plastic surgeons should  have one or more of the following credentials:

  1. Board Certified, American Board of Plastic Surgery 

  2. Certified by The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in Plastic Surgery.

  3. Member, Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons (CSPS) 

    By choosing a plastic surgeon who is a member of the CSPS, a patient can be assured that the physician is certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or the Collège des Médecins du Québecin the specialty of plastic surgery. Certified plastic surgeons are the only physicians who have undertaken all the necessary training in this field.

    Plastic Surgeons are first qualified medical doctors who have gone on to take a basic training in general surgery, and further specialized in all aspects of plastic surgery.

    They must pass extensive oral and written examinations administered by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Many go on to obtain additional training, although this is not required.

  4. Member, Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (CSAPS)  

    The CSACPS is the only recognized Canadian professional body of plastic surgeons who specialize in cosmetic plastic surgery and many members of the CSACPS are also members of the Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons (CSPS). In other words, membership denotes that a surgeon is a specialized subset of the Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons.

If you do not find a surgeon near you in our Canadian Plastic Surgeons Referral Section, the society websites listed in paragraphs 3 and 4 above are excellent places to start your research for a qualified surgeon.  Be sure to tell them that Nicole sent you and don't forget to tell the doctor about Nicole's Website.

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