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Selecting the Best Post Liposuction Diet

October 30, 2012

Liposuction may have eliminated a good percentage of that stubborn fat that lingered in specific areas, but it has not eliminated your need to follow a healthy diet. For one thing, there are still some fat cells remaining in the treated areas. And though the percentage of remaining fat cells depends on how aggressively the liposuction was done, this means that your post liposuction body can add fat inches.

Since the fat removed is subcutaneous not visceral (the type that surrounds organs), you may still be at risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. According to one study, even losing 30 pounds or more of subcutaneous fat through liposuction won’t result in the health benefits that come with traditional weight loss. For those outcomes, you need to do it the old-fashioned way: cut calories and get more exercise.

The key is to follow a healthy diet combined with plenty of exercise. But with all the meal plans out there, how do you know which one to follow?

Nutritional Requirements

Start with your current health level, because pre-existing conditions such as diabetes or heart disease may influence your overall nutritional needs and restrictions. Then, do the calorie in/calorie out calculation. If you need to lose weight, figure on reducing your caloric intake by 500 to 1,000 calories per day, since it takes a 3,500-calorie reduction to lose one pound of body fat.

It’s not just about counting calories, but about making healthy food choices. The CDC recommends a diet that:
  • emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products.
  • includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs and nuts.
  • is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium) and added sugars.
A well-rounded post-lipo exercise plan is also needs to be part of your new lifestyle. According to the CDC, adults should aim for at least two-and-a-half hours of moderate aerobic physical activity (you can walk briskly but still talk, for example) or 1.25 hours of vigorous aerobic activity (you’re moving too fast to carry on a conversation).

Add in strength training two or more days a week, working all major muscle groups: legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms. Flexibility exercises such as yoga will stretch major muscle and tendon groups and help maintain range of motion.

So, while you may have thought that liposuction meant saying goodbye to watching your diet or working out, think again. The existing fat may have been removed, but the procedure won’t keep pounds or inches from piling on if you don’t make lifestyle changes. According to one study, 43 percent of patients surveyed who underwent liposuction gained weight, with the majority not making positive changes in their diet or exercise level post-procedure. As for the 57 percent who didn’t add on pounds, 35 percent of them were exercising more and 50 percent of them were eating a healthier diet than they did before the procedure.

Liposuction is just the first step. The rest is up to you if you want to keep your lipo-ed body looking lovely! Continue reading to read tips on dressing for your shape after body contouring.


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