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& Body Contouring Information Resources

Articles by Michael A. Fiorillo, M.D. of Montvale, New Jersey (NJ), New York, New York (NY), Pearl River, New York (NY)

Aug 19,10 Dr. Fiorillo's Wellness Center & Training Studio Opens in Pearl River, NY!
Dr. Fiorillo, renowned plastic surgeon in New York, opens a wellness center and training studio at his current location. Expanding into the fitness side of beauty, Dr. Fiorillo's expertise in cosmetic surgery comes into play when lifestyle improvement is achieved but more improvement is desired. Read More

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LipoSite Featured Practices

Bingham Farms Plastic Surgeons at the Straith Clinic
Bingham Farms, Michigan (MI) Liposuction, Abdominoplasty & Tummy Tuck by
Straith Clinic, P.C., Dr. William Sabbagh
Dr. William Sabbagh Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Dallas Plastic Surgeon Dr. William P. Adams
University Park, Texas (TX) Liposuction, Abdominoplasty & Tummy Tuck by
William P. Adams, Jr., M.D.
Dr. William P. Adams, Jr. Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Paul Wigoda Fort Lauderdale Plastic Surgeon
Fort Lauderdale, Florida (FL) Liposuction, Abdominoplasty & Tummy Tuck by
Dr. Paul Wigoda, M.D.
Dr. Paul Wigoda Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

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