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Random Liposuction FAQs

Random Liposuction FAQs

This section is home to all the trivia, miscellaneous facts and other information that doesn't fit anywhere else.
  1. I heard that liposuction was the most popular plastic surgery procedure. Is this true?
  2. Where do they get the most "work" done?

1. I heard that liposuction was the most popular plastic surgery procedure. Is this true?
Well, not exactly, but it’s close. Liposuction is the second most popular surgical cosmetic procedure after breast augmentation. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), there were 302,000 liposuction procedures performed in 2007. There were 148,000 Tummy Tucks and 348,000 breast augmentations performed. Tummy Tuck is the fastest growing of those three procedures. From 2000 to 2007 the number of tummy tucks performed has increased 137%! According to the ASPS, women make up 89% of Liposuction and 96% of Tummy tuck patients.

2. Where do they get the most "work" done?
The ASPS also tells us who gets the most cosmetic plastic surgery. Before you read any further, take a guess and see if you’re right. Drum roll please….the answer is the Mountain and Pacific states. If we had to guess, we’d guess that California drives that. We’d also guess that if the ASPS provided rank by state instead of region, California would be at the very tip top. Let’s face it; California has beach weather pretty much all year long. It has Hollywood and modeling agencies. It’s also our most populous state. With all that mixed together, it should have the most cosmetic surgery procedures!

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